Das Praktikum befasst sich mit der Erfassung und Verarbeitung von Sensor- und Messsignalen. Es werden mechanische Messgrößen wie Abstand, Kraft/Gewicht, Drehzahl und Winkelposition mit verschiedenen physikalischen Messprinzipien bestimmt. Die Datenauswertung erfolgt sowohl manuell mit Laborgeräten als auch automatisiert nach eine graphischen Programmierung in Simulink.
Die Versuche umfassen im Einzelnen die Themen
- Abstands-/Wegmessung mit Ultraschall
- Kraftmessung mit metallischen Dehnungsmessstreifen
- Winkel- und Drehzahlmessung mit einem optischen Encoder
- Winkel- und Drehzahlmessung mit Inklinometer und Gyroskop
- Sensorfusion
Praktikum Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik III
Lehrende: | Philipp Beckerle, Daniel Andreas | 0.83 ECTS |
Semester: SS 2023 | Dauer: 1 Semester | Frequenz: jährlich (SS) |
Anwesenheit: 12 h | Selbststudium: 13 h | Sprache: Deutsch |
Im Praktikum Grundlagen der Elektrotechnik III sollen die theoretisch erlangten Kenntnisse der Vorlesung durch praktische Versuche vertieft werden. Im Laufe des Semesters werden die Studierenden vier Laborversuche durchführen:
- Versuch 1: Einschaltvorgänge
- Versuch 2: Operationsverstärker
- Versuch 3: Brückenschaltung
- Versuch 4: Nichtlineare Bauteile
Von den Studierenden wird verlangt sich intensiv auf die Versuche vorzubereiten um den größten Lernerfolg zu erreichen.
Das Praktikum gilt als bestanden, wenn alle vier Versuche erfolgreich durchgeführt wurden.
Human-centred Mechatronics and Robotics
Lecturers: | Philipp Beckerle, Adna Bliek | 5 ECTS |
Semester: SS 2021 | Duration: 1 Semester | Frequency: annual(SS) |
Attendance: 60 hours | Self-Study: 90 hours | Language: English |
Human-centred Mechatronics and Robotics (2 SWS, Philipp Beckerle).
Exercises in Human-centred Mechatronics and Robotics (Exercise, 2 SWS, Adna Bliek)
- Human-oriented design methods
- Biomechanics
- Motions, measurement, and analysis
- Biomechanical models
- Elastic robotics
- Elastic actuators
- Cognitive and physical human-robot interaction
- Empirical research methods
- Research process and experiment design
- System integration and fault treatment
The exercise will combine simulation sessions and a flip-the-classroom seminar where student groups present recent research papers and discuss them with all attendees.
Learning objectives and competencies:
On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:
- Tackle the interdisciplinary challenges of human-centered robot design.
- Use engineering methods for modeling, design, and control to develop human-centered robots.
- Apply methods from psychology (perception, experience), biomechanics (motion and human models), and engineering (design methodology) and interpret their results.
- Develop robotic systems that provide user-oriented interaction characteristics in addition to efficient and reliable operation.
Mechatronic Components and Systems
Lecturers: | Philipp Beckerle, Rodrigo J. Velasco Guillen | 5 ECTS |
Semester: SS 2020 | Duration: 1 Semester | Frequency: annual (SS) |
Attendance: 60 hours | Self-Study: 90 hours | Language: English |
Mechatronic Components and Systems (Lecture, 2 SWS, Philipp Beckerle)
Exercises in Mechatronic Components and Systems (Excersices, 2 SWS, Rodrigo J. Velasco Guillen)
- System thinking and integration
- Interactions of hardware and software
- Engineering design methods
- Mechanical components
- Actuators
- Sensors for measuring mechanical quantities
- Control and information processing
Learning objectives and competencies:
On successful completion of this module, students will be able to:
- Holistically understand mechatronic systems and optimize them using methods of system integration, control, and information processing.
- Grundlegende mechanische Komponenten unterscheiden, charakterisieren, modellieren und im Rahmen des Systementwurfs auswählen und dimensionieren.
- Distinguish, characterize, model, and select basic mechanical components to dimension them in terms of system design.
- Describe electrodynamic, electromagnetic, fluid power, and unconventional actuators phenomenologically and mathematically to dimension them considering the overall system.
- Describe sensors for measuring mechanical quantities phenomenologically and mathematically and dimension them taking into account the overall system.
Seminar Autonomous Systems and Mechatronics
Lecturers: | Mehmet Ege Cansev, Philipp Beckerle | 2,5 ECTS |
Semester: SS 2021 | Duration: 1 Semester | Frequency: semi-annual (WS + SS) |
Attendace: 10 hours | Self-Study: 65 hours. | Language: English |
Seminar Autonomous Systems and Mechatronics (Seminar, 2 SWS, compulsory attendance, Mehmet Ege Cansev, Philipp Beckerle)
In the seminar, students will analyze, present. and discuss recent research topics in autonomous systems and mechatronics. This will comprise mechatronic component, system, and control design as well as advanced methods aiming at autonomous operation. Besides reflecting contemporary literature, the students are asked to conclude and suggest directions for future research.
Learning objectives and competencies:
On successful completion of this module, students will be able to comprehend and convey recent research challenges in the area of autonomous system and mechatronics. Moreover, they are prepared to infer future research lines from recent developments.